Calling virtual functions
-- Get the interface address
local IVEngineClient = utils.find_interface("engine.dll", "VEngineClient014") or error("Engine client is invalid")
-- Cast to a pointer that can be dereferenced
local IVEngineClientPtr = ffi.cast("void***", IVEngineClient)
-- Dereference to get the vtable
local IVEngineClientVtable = IVEngineClientPtr[0]
-- Get virtual function ptr
local ClientCmdPtr = IVEngineClientVtable[108]
-- Cast the address to the function type
local ClientCmd = ffi.cast(ffi.typeof("void(__thiscall*)(void*, const char*)"), ClientCmdPtr)
-- Call the virtual function with the interface ptr as the first argument
ClientCmd(IVEngineClientPtr, "say Hello from lua-ffi")
-- All of this can be compacted into one function
local function vtable_bind(interface, type, index)
local this = ffi.cast("void***", interface)
return function (...)
return ffi.cast(ffi.typeof(type), this[0][index])(this, ...)
-- Interface Function type Virtual index
local ClientCmd_AltVersion = vtable_bind(IVEngineClient, "void(__thiscall*)(void*, const char*)", 108)
-- Create a gui element
local CheckboxItem = gui.add_checkbox("Example Watermark", "Visuals>Misc>Various")
-- Get our font
local Font = render.create_font("verdana.ttf", 14)
-- Set how many pixels of spacing we want
local Spacing = {30, 30}
local Padding = {6, 2}
local WatermarkName = "Fatality.win"
-- Use the paint callback
function on_paint()
-- Check if our checkbox is active (get_bool() == true)
-- If not then do nothing and return
if not CheckboxItem:get_bool() then
-- Get our screensize
local ScreenSize = {render.get_screen_size()}
-- Calculate the text size of the cheat name
local TextSize = {render.get_text_size(Font, WatermarkName)}
-- Calculate our text size with spacing
local Size = {TextSize[1] + (Padding[1] * 2), TextSize[2] + (Padding[2] * 2)}
local Position = {ScreenSize[1] - Size[1] - Spacing[1], Spacing[2]}
-- Render background
render.rect_filled(Position[1], Position[2], Position[1] + Size[1], Position[2] + Size[2], render.color(58, 36, 107, 255))
render.rect(Position[1], Position[2], Position[1] + Size[1], Position[2] + Size[2], render.color(26, 22, 64, 200))
-- Render our text
render.text(Font, Position[1] + Padding[1], Position[2] + Size[2] / 2, WatermarkName, render.color("#FFFFFF"), render.align_left, render.align_center)
Accessing callbacks
-- define a function with the name of the callback you want to use
-- here i will use create_move
-- add any parameters that are passed into the callback (read the callbacks page to see what is passed in each callback)
-- for example events from their callbacks are accessed like this function on_item_pickup(event <- here)
function on_create_move(user_cmd)
-- here you can access the data inside of the current user command (user_cmd datatype)
Last updated